Content Curation to Boost

Your content Marketing

The KBucket Advantage

  • Drive your Backlink Strategy - A KBucket page can hold hundreds of outbound links. Easily create backlinks to relevant articles and ask fore reciprocity
  • Drive Inbound traffic - Share curated content via your social channels to drive traffic back to your website. Two or more clicks for every link your share!
  • Connect with Influencers - Curate articles from influencers, add their twitter handles to your post, and let them know your are sharing their content
  • Fuel your blogging ideas - Your curated content will help you come up with new content ideas, easily create skyscraper content using your curated list, and build content on social channels linking back to your own website
  • Improve your SEO - Add hundreds of new pages your site, with relevant keywords to boost your SEO. Promote your curated pages as a reference point for your community and generate hundreds of backlinks.
  • Drive you Employee Advocacy: Control what your employees share on social media. Curate articles that target your target clients interest graph and reach them through your employee's social networks.

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