Keep supporters fired up with curated newsletters

Easily curate great newsletters

Keep your supporters engaged

Keeping supporters fired up and supplied with arguments is a perfect job for email newsletters.

We make it easy for you to curate and build newsletters, by commenting on emerging news in your browser and feeding your newsletters instantly.

Newsletters are effective

Studies show that political newsletters have the highest open and click-through rates. You will engage more people than by only posting on social media.

Our solutions offer both. People clicking on your newsletter posts can easily share them with their preferred channels.

A unique value proposition for more reach with less effort!

Industry Stats for Newsletters

Automate your content

Optimal Access offers you a set of tools (Kurator and KBucket) to curate and comment on any post in your browser, post it to a content hub, using it both as a source for your newsletter as well as your landing page.

When users click through on the content, they will have an opportunity to share that post on their social media channels, and click through to read the relevant article.

Watch our demo to see how it all works.