Empower Your Followers to Spread Real News!

Counter fake news with real news!

We can help you grow your reach, by empowering your campaign followers to share your content with their social networks.

Our system is easy to set up.  Simply email your mailing list and recruit thousands in a day!

Share your own campaign messages, relevant news articles from credible news organizations.

Educate people on policies and issues, remind them why they should get out and vote for you!

Editorialize any post with your own images and summary for maximum impact.

Instead of bots, or hackers, use real people to spread the real news!

This is not a re-tweet, or like, but real people sharing content on their own behalf.

The re-sharing is the multiplier to help you grow your reach!

A network of Advocates will give you a longer reach

Emailing is one to one.

Sharing information on your social channels will only reach a fraction of your followers.

Empowering people to share your message has the same effect of going viral!

Word of mouth marketing is more powerful than advertising and costs less.

Dedicate a small portion of your advertising budget to advocacy to boost your campaign.

One thousand advocates will reach a million people, every time!

Use Social Media Reach

Send Messages that are ready to share


Every day you can set up multiple campaigns to be shared by your advocates.

Editorialize each message with an image and a description.

Share strategies with your ambassadors on how to engage their networks.

Control the frequency of news and make sure people remember events that matter.

Reach and frequency is the winning formula to get peoples attention.

Advocates can easily share your message on all their social channels with one click.

Drive engagement and create viral messages in issues you want voters to focus on.

Let the power of word of mouth drive your campaign.



Social Seeder Email Message

Russians did it with fake news, you can do it with Real News

Russians already proved that an army of people sharing news can influence people.

You can use the same technique, activate thousands of advocates to amplify your message and spread real news.

People vote on issues that affect their lives.

You need to make sure they are well informed.

You get to measure the influence and reach of each message individually.

Know what resonates with people you are trying to influence!

Social Seeder Campaign Report
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