Record History, Share News in Context!

We make it easy for Journalist to curate, comment, tag and instantly

access hundreds of news articles in context

Your article is included in our research on the Trump presidency

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Number of Authors

Number of Publishers

Improve Reporting Time

Curate, comment and tag every article of interest, maintain an ongoing history of news, and allow your research to fuel your new post and provide quick reference for your next post.

If you run your own blog you can publish and share your research on your own site to drive more traffic to your site.

As a news organization, every researched topic and/or researcher can create a curation page for curating and saving research on specific topics like voter fraud, environment, poverty, etc.

When Journalist search the platform they will find news articles, indexed and organized in context.

Election 2016 screen

Turn your Research into Video content

Hundreds of curated news articles, categorized through tags you author, make it read easy to author video content. Within minutes you can choose a narrative, use images and headlines from your curated articles and build powerful narratives that inform your readers. History must be remembered!

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Curating News

To provide an example of the power of news curation, we have been curating the 2016 elections and now the Trump presidency for over 2 years. We have organized and indexed news into categories like #draintheswamp, #governance, #foreignpolcy, and hundreds of related categories. Click to see how it works.

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Get Kurator

Kurator is a chrome extension we use to curate our research. It scrapes information off of the page you want to save, lets you add content tags and publisher and author information. As you can see from the example above, this information will let you navigate your research easily and in context.

Do our tools resonate with you?

We would love to hear from you. Your endorsement means a lot. The best endorsement is for you to start using our tools.  We think instant access to history can help educate the public and aid reporters in writing their stories!

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