Curate, Organize and Share your Research in Context

Kurator is essential to online research. Remember everything. Share your research in Context.

Save hours every week collecting and organizing your research.


Testimonial (Save Time)



At “Show me Victories” we provide strategic communication to our clients. As part of our service, it is essential that we thoroughly research our subjects to gain insight into our strategy for communication.

We have been using Kurator for a few months now and it has proven to be a huge time saver over previous methods and tools. I have saved 5 hours a week, curating, organizing and sharing my research with my team.

Bryce Summary P.H.D
Head of Research
Show me Victories



Publish your Research

We offer a Plugin for your website so you can publish your research and share it with the world. Each post is presented as a card, with your comments and tags.

Content, Publisher and author tags, let users quickly navigate all your links and find the information they seek.

We also offer a multi-user website (both private and public) for publishing KBucket pages.

The public site is free and anyone can register and publish. The plugin site currently offers additional templates and filtering options.

We have 3 examples below. The Middle example is on our public KBucket page.

KBucket Screen - Politics

Some Examples of KBucket Pages

John Manley
John is an Immigration attorney. He curates and shares news on US immigration to engage his followers with related topics.
Politics and Advocacy
Here we have an example for political advocacy groups. Curate news, and share it often. Use news articles to inform and engage your audience. Be ready to respond with the right message.
Optimal Access
We curate articles related to content marketing, growth hacking SEO and blogging. We share our curated content via social channels and use it as reference for our blog post and social selling.