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Trump History

This is our example of how your curated articles on a KBucket page give you instant access to everything you have read, over a long period of time.  Use the category tags in the sidebar to filter articles. What makes our solution powerful is the ability to easily edit and enhance your taxonomy to optimize your reporting.


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Get Kurator (Chrome Extension)

Kurator is our Chrome Extension for curating your research in the browser. It scrapes information off the articles you want to curate, allows you to modify the comments, headline, add an image, publisher, and author information as well as a twitter tag.

Kurator helps you manage your sources, curate your research and share your research with others.

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KBrowser is a powerful new browser interface that makes it easy to organize tens of news sources in different tabs and easily navigate between them.

As Journalist, you probably access tens of news sites, discovery engines and specialized search sites to look for information. KBrowser makes it easy to organize access to your sources the way you work, and access each in its own window.  You will always know where every tab is in your browser!

KBrowser runs in Waterfox, which is built on the Mozilla technology that has eliminated many of the encryption and data collection features prevalent in Chrome and Firefox.

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Get KBucket

KBucket is our plugin for WordPress for posting your research on your own site. Add this to your personal blog and share what you read with your followers. If you are interested in the KBucket platform for your news room, we will contact you with more information.

Some Examples of KBucket Pages

John Manley

John is an Immigration attorney. He curates and shares news on US immigration from his site.

Expert Dojo

Expert Dojo is a startup mentor-ship group in Santa Monica, CA.  They curate and share articles on startup related topics including fund raising and marketing.

Koch Brothers

Here is an example of curated news on the Koch Brothers. We started curating these links over 8 yeas ago. Notice how the history of the Koch Brothers activities is still relevant today.