Digital Campaign Tools

                              for the  Socially Distant Campaigns

Inspire thousands of conversations with two great tools!
(Because Well Informed Persons Make Better Decisions)

Tools for Digital Campaigns in the Pandemic Era

Now more than before digital strategy is a differentiator for political campaigns.  Candidates have lost the advantage of meeting voters face to face and building that personal relationship.

Yet, personal connection is still paramount to a winning campaign. How will you connect and answer specific questions addressing voter concerns!

We offer a unique set of tools to use natural language to converse with voters and build a digital army to grow your organic reach.

You spend a lot of effort and money to drive people to your website. Maximize that opportunity by engaging them in conversations.

Chatbot analytics offer valuable information about voters, their concerns, and their use of language.

Moreover, we know that authentic organic conversations are the most effective way to engage voters. Our SocialSeeder platform is the ideal solution for political advocacy.

Let's see how it all works.

Conversational chatbots are the ideal interface to distribute content and engage voters.

Don't ask people to search. Engage them in a conversation, and deliver information from trusted sources to answer their questions.

Conversational chatbots work great on desktop and mobile devices and provide you with valuable analytics to optimize your messaging.

We use Google's Dialogflow as our platform, so all your data is stored in Google Cloud with all the security needed to run a political campaign.

We make it really easy to curate and organize content outside the chatbot and use the chatbot to retrieve information from our content library.

Our solution is low-cost and high impact, ideal for all campaigns. Engage the chatbot on this page to see how it all works.

Micro-influencers are more effective than ads and celebrity endorsements.

With the absence of canvassing and face to face meetings during the pandemic, a systematic social advocacy solution that includes your volunteers in your messaging inner circle is a winner. People trust and engage with their friends. We will help you make that possible.

One hundred thousand followers on Twitter or Facebook, you will reach at best 10% of your network or ten thousand users.

With ten thousand volunteers in our system, you will consistently reach two hundred thousand people and get more engagement on the issues you promote.


Curating content for your chatbot!

Content is the blood that flows through the veins of political campaigns.

We make it easy to distribute that content for both internal campaign communication, as well as voter engagement using conversational chatbots.

Using our curation and knowledge management tools your campaign staff can curate, organize, and manage chatbots content with ease!

Your existing content teams can easily add, edit, delete, and manage chatbots content ease.

Try the chatbot on the lower right corner to see how it all works.

See examples of our content libraries to learn what's possible.

Computer Screen - trump tweets

Steps to Building Your Online Community

Recruit your Mailing List

Quickly and easily set up a landing page to signup advocates.

Email your mailing list.

Recruit your Social Media followers.

Segment them based on language.

Segment them based on their interest. →

Get their consent to join your campaign as volunteers.

We are GDRP compliant.

You are ready to go.

Sign up below and we will send you a Post to share.


Communicate Directly with Advocates

Write a personal email for each Campaign

Inform your advocates of your strategy

Educate them on why this post is important

Give them the tools to Change Minds

Invite them to Share the Post

Our email open rates are 55%

Our Post Share rates are 25%

SocialSeeder Email Authoring

We Make Sharing Easy.

Once advocates agree to share they will land on a seeding page.

The post is ready to be shared on multiple social Channels.

You will control the image and the message for each post.

Sharing via our platform will eliminate many of the limitations dictated by Social Networks.

Each user shares the post directly with their friends.

You will have the power to trend #hastags!

On average each advocate shares posts on 2.2 channels.

Our Share rate on the posts is 25%

Average reach per advocate is 330 people.

100,000 shares will reach 33 million people!

You can beat the reach of mainstream media!

Measure every campaign and know what resonates!

Every campaign can be measured separately for impact.

Know what resonates with your advocates and their social network.

Know how many of your advocates read and share your message.

Know the reach of your network and measure the impact and engagement of each message.

Create a viral condition for each message and see what resonates.

Engage your advocates and reward your best performers.

Know what resonates with people you are trying to influence!

Social Seeder Campaign Analytics

If you like to receive a demo and learn more about our solutions please fill out the form below and we will contact you.

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