Talk to a few / Reach millions!

Advocacy Platform to Grow your Reach

The Most Cost effective Way to grow your Reach

Advocacy is the most cost effective way to grow your reach!  That's why we have partnered with SocialSeeder to bring you the latest and most efficient way to grow your reach, promote your brand, and generate new leads. Share your curated plus, original content via your community of employees, followers and influencers to reach more people cost effectively.

Recruit Ambassadors

Social Seeder provides an efficient way to build, segment, and manage your ambassadors.

Grow Your Reach
Use your ambassadors to spread your messages to a much larger audience cost effectively.
Measure Impact

Measure the reach and engagement per campaign, and learn what resonates with your audience.

Whether you want to communicate a message to a large audience, generate leads, or recruit and raise funds for your company, Advocacy will help you get there cost effectively. 

You run an advocacy or political campaign, and want an effective way to keep your target market up to date with the latest news and issues that matter.

You want to use the power of your employees and loyal customers to connect with new prospects and generate valuable leads.

Fund Raising/Recruiting
You want your trusted network to help you raise funds for your new or growing company, or hire new employees.

Word of Mouth

  1. %92 of people trust word of mouth more than any advertising format
  2. 74% of consumers identify word of mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decisions (This number goes to 91% in B2B Sales)
Word of Mouth Trust

An Easy Solution that Your Ambassadors will Use

Your ambassadors don't need to be tech or Social Media Savvy, or invest much time.
They receive your content and can share it in 1 click.

  1. Share Your Campaign
  2. Your ambassadors receive it and can share your content on one or more social networks
  3. Your content will create more engagement coming from your ambassadors
  4. Track every share and click
Social Seeder - Email Environment


SocialSeeder is a leading advocacy platform in Europe. Optimal Access is the official reseller of the Social Seeder platform in the US.

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