ChatBots as landing pages

Engage your visitors with conversational chatbots and collect valuable analytics beyond your traditional event-based google analytics.

Traditional landing pages are generally static and the only engagement enticing element is a CTA button.

A conversational chatbot lets you be creative, answer user questions, collect their information, ask them to take surveys, and record valuable conversational analytics to help you better understand your customers.


  • 1
    Instant Access to all your tools
    As a digital Marketer you are working with multiple tools to gather competitive intelligence, discover interesting articles, growth hacking, SEO, managing backlink prospects, optimizing your content, monitoring news sites, and managing access to your client sites. KBrowser let's you instantly access tens of sites with 2 clicks or less. Keep all your windows, make your computer work faster and collaborate with your team with KBrowser.
  • 2
    Save your Research
    KBrowser and Kurator curation folders are ideal for saving your SEO, and backlink research. No more opening of spreadsheets, or word documents to save reports. Simply drag the result pages into curation folders and organize them per project. Easily share your saved research with your team members.
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    Instant SEO
    Use curated content to improve your SEO. KBucket pages are properly tagged with the schema micro tags.  Focus your curated descriptions and keywords at your clients interest graph and start ranking for keywords on your curated page.
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    Influencer Marketing
    Every article you curate in your KBucket pages, should be written by influencers in your field.  By promoting and sharing their content, you are creating a reason to connect with them and ask for a mention, or a link back to your website. Furthermore, every article you share in Twitter, will automatically add the authors handle to your article, letting the author and the publication know you are promoting their content.
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