Become a messaging machine

You can use your curated research as an engine for your content marketing strategy.

If you curate 2 or 3 interesting articles a day, topics that deeply resonate with you and offer valuable insight, you can build an incredible curated library in no time!

Imagine in 20 days you will have a collection of 60 articles and in 90 days, 180 articles that you can use to inspire your imagination, and use as reference for your arguments.

Using our Kurator extension for chrome, you can easily curate, comment, tag and organize articles of interest with one click.

Once you have enough links you can either publish your research for free on our KBucket site, or embed your curated research on your own site with our WordPress plugin.

What you get is a Pinterest type page with hundreds of insightful articles, on topics related to your interest, that you can share to drive traffic back to your site.

Following is a picture of our research page with hundreds of articles on content curation, seo, content marketing, list of tools and influencers.


Every link in this page can be shared individually to drive traffic back to your own site first.

Imagine, hundreds of unique messages, from top influencers in your field, proven to drive traffic.

In fact as we show with our case study, you can get 2 or more clicks to your site, from every link you share.

Use KBucket to market yourself on Quora, LinkedIn, medium

Another technique I really like is using leading platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, medium to create backlinks to your own site and raise your profile.

This excellent post by Gennaro Cuffano, offers a case study that explains this process. he says.

Quora will give you visibility that otherwise you wouldn’t have. Second, by having links that point back to your blog, you will drive traffic back to it.

Using your curated research on KBucket, you can really improve this process.

You can only generate so many answers using your own content. But a curated library like a KBucket page will give you hundreds of links you can use as reference to link back to your own site.

Here is an example, where I answered the question of, “What are the 3 most important soft skills that the perfect digital marketer should possess?”, with links to my own research on our site.

Your curated research will help you come up with great blog post, drive inbound traffic and improve your seo, while you establish yourself as a thought leader, with thoughtful and well researched answers.