September 22, 2017

Everything you need to manage too many tabs in Chrome!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Do you have a tab problem? You are not alone.  There is hardly anyone working with the Internet today, without a tab problem. Tab problem is part of the larger challenge of “information overload” for today’s information worker. Reasons are numerous, but simply put, you are swamped by interesting articles, insights and fun things on …

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August 17, 2017

Everything you need to know for a successful backlink strategy!

Backlinks are a strong indicator of popularity for search engines. In order to rank for the top 10 searches (SERP) on google, you need a well crafted backlink strategy. Depending on the keyword you want to rank for, you will need anywhere between 15 to over a hundred backlinks, per post. To get that many …

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August 15, 2017

Curate your Links to Improve your Productivity!

A recent study by Infodesk shows that poorly curated and hard to find content is costing you valuable time! Even the most conservative estimates suggest that the average information user spends a minimum of two hours per week looking for information. So, stop searching and start organizing. You will be a lot more productive if …

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June 16, 2016

Instant Access to all your research with KBucket!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: ,

As a social media marketer or a start-up entrepreneur, content curation may be a key strategy that allows you to re-purpose previously written content to share with your audience. It is extremely useful when you have only so much time to create fresh, long-form content from scratch. Curation tells your audience that you’re willing to …

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June 13, 2016

Store, Save and Organize your tabs with KBrowser!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Opening several tabs at once affects the stability of your browser. It slows down your system, or worse – hangs/freezes it, forcing you to open the Task Manager and start over.  Another issue is not being able to see the page titles easily and the inevitable clicking frenzy to find the page you want!

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May 18, 2016

A lesson in Editing and Organizing curated content with KBrowser

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

This is my 6th post in a series of posts examining our KBrowser features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool. Here, Robin has defined a set of features for presenting your curated content online. I have combined editing, display formats, arrangement and navigation and ownership into one post.  Let’s take a look at …

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May 14, 2016

What should you look for in a Content Curation tool?

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Content Curation is a step up to bookmarking and sharing content on the Internet. There are two separate and yet equally important phases to content curation, discovery and sharing! To stay objective with the review of our own tools, I have chose this post by Robin Good, where he defines the criteria for selecting the …

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August 18, 2011

What is curation?

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Curation is traditionally defined as “The act of organizing and maintaining a collection of artworks or artifacts”. Curators are knowledgeable about their domain and offer additional value by collecting and presenting information in ways that informs the audience.

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