October 27, 2021

Accelerate Your Content Production with Content Curation

Curating content is a powerful way to build your brand and engage your audience. The Internet’s endless supply of content makes curation a great way to discover the best information for you and your readers/followers.

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September 9, 2021

Create engaging curated newsletters in minutes!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: ,

We all know how hard it is to create content for newsletters. Creating unique and engaging posts takes time that most don’t want to spend on their newsletter. If this challenge sounds familiar to you, then our solution will make it both easy and fun to create newsletters your users want to read!

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February 25, 2020

How Today’s Digital Tools Can Fuel Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is very important to successful businesses. Without it, employees are invested in the success of the company–an important foundation in businesses of all sizes. A study from the Harvard Business Review found that 71% of executives say that employee engagement is critical to their success.

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September 5, 2019

Dialogflow chatbot answers enhanced with Curation

Did you get the memo that Bots are the future of Marketing? This quote by Riti Dass, data analyst at Mytra Jabong sums the opportunity as follows: “Modern chatbots are, at their simplest, digital assistants that deliver specific results via a conversational interface. At their most complex, they are artificial-intelligence-powered tools that will make highly-personalized …

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October 3, 2018

How to Make Your Political Campaign Go Viral

A Viral Campaign is a message that is shared and spread across all social platforms by thousands of people. In this post, you will learn how to use your followers’ social networks to boost your political campaign messages and reach millions, in essence replicating viral characteristics for every message you share.

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January 17, 2018

Curation is Critical to Your Marketing Strategy [Best Practices 2018]

Successful people curate knowledge and use it to improve their own performance. As Issac Newton once said: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. By carefully selecting, commenting and sharing valuable content, you are demonstrating your own thought leadership. You are also participating in a trend that by …

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August 10, 2017

Get Significant SEO Boost with KBucket Structured Data!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

One way to boost your SEO is to make it easier for search engines to crawl your website. Back in 2009, Google introduced “Rich Snippets”, in order to make it easier for search engines to organize and classify information.  Here is a direct quote from the “Markup your content Items” page on Google’s website

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August 1, 2017

Curation Study: How to get 2 visitors for every link you share!

Content Curation simply defined is when you organize highly relevant content from the Internet along with your own content. Content Curation is now outpacing Content Creation.  In this excellent article “Why Sharing Other People’s Content is Essential to your Own Success”, Aaron Orendorff says:

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