How to Make Your Political Campaign Go Viral

A Viral Campaign is a message that is shared and spread across all social platforms by thousands of people.

In this post, you will learn how to use your followers’ social networks to boost your political campaign messages and reach millions, in essence replicating viral characteristics for every message you share.

Additionally, I will introduce tools for opposition research to help you respond to any situation instantly and with the appropriate message.

Take narrative away from mainstream media and share news that educates!

Mainstream media generally focus on a few sensational topics that help them sell papers.  Those are generally the stories that are remembered because they are repeated often.

Lisa Hyams from the Guardian criticizes the mainstream media in her recent post and says;

Which story did you hear more about this year – how climate change makes disasters like hurricanes worse, or how Donald Trump threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans?

Many of the most important issues of our time like Global Warming, Income inequality, trade policies, voter fraud, corruption get occasional coverage on mainstream media and do not get the frequency required to make an impact.

If you are planning on winning campaigns based on real issues, make sure people get the best information repeatedly to make informed decisions.

To do this you need to control the frequency and reach of your messaging, to compete with the reach of mainstream media.

We have developed a set of tools to help you remember everything, grow your reach, and control the frequency of your messaging.

Don’t assume they know, Educate!

Your constituents need to know what you know.

As political operators, you stay informed with current and historical events, but can you assume that your constituents know the same?

It is your job to make sure they are reading the most accurate and insightful articles to stay informed.

Majority of people pay cursory attention to the news, and only tune in at moments of high drama!

However, there are great and informative articles published every day that simply don’t reach enough people.

Your goal should be to curate and share important news and analysis often enough to make an impact.

Considering the number of articles published every day, most news and commentary will be hard to find, once published.

This is due to the sheer volume of content published daily.

According to a report by Atlantic, just 4 of the leading publications, print more than 1192 articles a day.

In addition to news articles, most public officials today use Twitter to communicate directly with their followers, and there lies a treasure trove of valuable information you should have at your fingertips.

What you need are tools that let you curate and save your opposition research in a system that is easy to index and share.

We have created tools to curate news into content libraries that are easy to index and share.

Content Libraries turn Information into Knowledge and Insight

News articles on their own are informational, but put in context they turn into knowledge portals.

Investigating news in the context of time will help you and your audience gain valuable insights and understand historical events, so we can learn from them.

Curating and recording news articles into a historical record is a great resource that will serve to educate you and the people you are planning to inform.

By curating news into content libraries you will always have the right information and knowledge for any situation.

Content libraries are a powerful tool to engage and educate your audience while allowing you to remember everything that has happened.

Furthermore, tens of article per topic will give you plenty of options to keep people engaged with a variety of messages.

As an example, following are a number of articles from our content library, that deal with environmental protection and corruption in the Trump administration.

A content library with hundreds of news articles will allow you to approach the same topic from different angles and address everyone’s sensibility while driving your message.

Remember, what is always present in history, are ideas that have either worked or failed in the past.

By reminding people what has or has not worked, you can always enroll people into a new vision of the future.

To appreciate the importance of historical records, take a look at some examples of past research.

Occupy Wallstreet – This page will show you that many of the demands of Occupy demonstrators are what Bernie Sanders and Progressives are running on today.

The Koch Brothers page shows the influence of one percent on our elections and governance.

Curation Should be Part of Your Process

We offer a set of tools that make it easy for you to build content libraries as part of your daily process.

Curating, commenting and tagging every interesting article you read will help you build incredible assets that you get to use over and over again.

We offer two solutions for curating content.

Kurator is our chrome extension web clipper, that scrapes information off the page you want to save and lets you add your own comments and tags to the article.

KBrowser is a multi-tab browser extension designed to help you group and organize all of your news sources for easy access.

With KBrowser, you can navigate tens of news sources simultaneously, and always know where everything is.

Manage Frequency and Reach of the News You Want to Share

Social Media channels like Facebook and Twitter are the most prominent channels where users receive their news.

The sharing of news on social media is not only informative, but it often draws engagement.

There are a number of factors that make social channels ideal for reaching a wider audience.

First, most social networks reach a mix of an audience with varying political beliefs.

Same is true for most users on social networks. They have a mix of friends with different social beliefs.

Next, users like to share and engage on social media, and news and politics are among the best performing content on social channels.

In other words, not only do people post political news on their own, but they also share and engage with that type of information often.

Now let’s take a look and see how our advocacy platform can help you drive your conversations and grow your reach.

Grow your Reach through Advocacy

An advocacy program is when you get others to share your content as if it originated from them.

We also like to call this a “word of mouth” campaign.

Every campaign operation has the emails of it’s their most ardent followers.

Using an advocacy platform you can activate your followers to share important news articles that help you spread your message.

Users simply get an email, with a ready-to-share post.

They can then choose to share that message on one or more networks with one click.

With our advocacy platform, thousands of followers will help you reach millions of people in an instance.

In essence, you are turning your followers into micro influencers.

Major brands have found that

The reach of a message shared by employees (advocates) is 561% greater than that of a brand channel’s

When it comes to marketing ideas, campaigns can use the same tactics used by business to grow their reach and instill confidence in people they want to reach.

Get detailed analytics for each message you share

Using our advocacy platform, you can editorialize the image and the summary of the articles you share.

Each post is an independent campaign and you get to measure the impact of each campaign in terms of shares and engagement per advocate.

By segmenting your audience and your messages, you can learn directly from your advocacy platform.

You don’t need bots and an army of hackers to build Follower Factory, use real people and real news to make positive change.

Using our advocacy platform, you can get detailed information and measure engagement for each post you share.

Word of Mouth is the Most effective way to develop trust

Frequency and reach are elements that predicate the success of any campaign.

Moreover, if your message is spread through word of mouth, your messaging will be most effective.

Advertising is expensive and not as effective as it used to be.

You can manage and control your message and reach people in a meaningful way using our advocacy platform.

Our advocacy solution is focused on getting people who believe in you are your message to help your campaign.

Sign up for a demo and discussion of your needs by filling the form below:


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