September 30, 2019

Curation will help you build better chatbots, faster!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , ,

Chatbot conversations are divided into two major categories, linear dialogs, and non-linear dialogs. In this post, we discuss a powerful method for designing non-linear dialogs efficiently.

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August 15, 2017

Curate your Links to Improve your Productivity!

A recent study by Infodesk shows that poorly curated and hard to find content is costing you valuable time! Even the most conservative estimates suggest that the average information user spends a minimum of two hours per week looking for information. So, stop searching and start organizing. You will be a lot more productive if …

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May 22, 2017

Why Curation is a good strategy for small publishers

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , , ,

How do you compete with big brand publishers.  Brands like NYTimes, Huffington Post or Daily Kos, with staff or network of writers able to generate new content on a continuous basis creating engagement and online ad revenue.

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October 19, 2016

Become a messaging machine

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , , ,

You can use your curated research as an engine for your content marketing strategy. If you curate 2 or 3 interesting articles a day, topics that deeply resonate with you and offer valuable insight, you can build an incredible curated library in no time!

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June 6, 2016

Stop wasting time! Get KBrowser Today

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Studies show that the average information worker spends 2 hours a week looking for information which costs companies and individuals millions of dollars in productivity.  Organizing access to information will solve this problem.  KBrowser allows you to manage your context and work more efficiently.

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August 18, 2011

What is curation?

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Curation is traditionally defined as “The act of organizing and maintaining a collection of artworks or artifacts”. Curators are knowledgeable about their domain and offer additional value by collecting and presenting information in ways that informs the audience.

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August 5, 2011

Refinement is the essence of curation

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Describing curation Rohit Bhargava says – “a content curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online”. The operative word in his description is continually.  In the real-time world of the Internet, this is critical.”

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