Why Curation is a good strategy for small publishers

How do you compete with big brand publishers.  Brands like NYTimes, Huffington Post or Daily Kos, with staff or network of writers able to generate new content on a continuous basis creating engagement and online ad revenue.

The answer is content curation.  Curation allows any small publisher to create valuable and fresh content continually.

Most probably you are already receiving tens of news letters, Facebook posts and twitter massages related to topics of interest.

Lets take a look and see how we can use Kurator, our chrome extension to turn content from news letters, into a valuable curated library.

Don’t let any moment go to waste

We often don’t realize, how much time we spend looking for information.

According to a study by Peter Bernstein” back in 2013, a survey found that “It Takes up to 8 Attempts to Find an Accurate Search Result“.

In the electronic workplace a great deal of time is spent, arguably wasted, in such tasks as deleting hundreds of useless emails a day, playing telephone tag and in searching for things we know we need and being unable to put our fingers or mouse on them quickly.

Information is growing exponentially, and a lot of information is just noise.

Curating and organizing information into buckets, to use our own term, will help you and others find information faster and save wasted time.

If you build the habit to organize and record information as you work, you will become much more productive.

News letters are a great resource for your research

Influencers are already spending a lot of time and energy, crafting the best headlines and using best practices to bring you valuable information in the best format.

News letters are a great method of discovery.  The influencer wants to stay connected with you and you can use their efforts to collect the best of internet for yourself and your readers.

Curation is a smart and efficient method of competing with larger publishers and competitors, with more resources than you to generate original content.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of sharing your curated content via KBucket read our post on “How to get 2 visitors for every link you share