May 18, 2016

A lesson in Editing and Organizing curated content with KBrowser

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

This is my 6th post in a series of posts examining our KBrowser features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool. Here, Robin has defined a set of features for presenting your curated content online. I have combined editing, display formats, arrangement and navigation and ownership into one post.  Let’s take a look at …

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May 15, 2016

A lesson in monitoring and discovering news in Optimal Access

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

This is my 5th post in a series of posts examining our Optimal Access features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool.  Here, Robin has defined a set of features for Content Monitoring, news discovery and filtering when considering a curation tool.  Let’s take a look at the set of questions and our response.

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A lesson in local and vertical search in Optimal Access

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

This is post 4 in a series of posts examining our tools features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool.  The question asked here is regarding search and its divided into two categories, searching the web and searching your own curated content. Let’s take a look.

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May 14, 2016

Clipping content in Optimal Access

By Karan Bavandi Tags: ,

This is my 3rd in a series of posts examining our Optimal Access features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool.  Here, Robin is asking you to examine “clipping features” when considering a curation tool.  Let’s take a look at the set of questions and or response.

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What should you look for in a Content Curation tool?

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Content Curation is a step up to bookmarking and sharing content on the Internet. There are two separate and yet equally important phases to content curation, discovery and sharing! To stay objective with the review of our own tools, I have chose this post by Robin Good, where he defines the criteria for selecting the …

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