A lesson in monitoring and discovering news in Optimal Access

This is my 5th post in a series of posts examining our Optimal Access features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool.  Here, Robin has defined a set of features for Content Monitoring, news discovery and filtering when considering a curation tool.  Let’s take a look at the set of questions and our response.

Content Monitoring – News Discovery

  • Can you create “persistent searches”? Answer: Yes you can create one or more groups and subscribe to multiple alert sites.
  • Can you designate what sources to tap? Answer: Yes, you can designate tens of sources and view each in its own window
  • Can you subscribe and monitor any RSS feed? Answer: Yes, you can subscribe to any RSS feed with a simple drag and drop
  • Is it possible to import an OPML file? Answer: Not yet, but we plan to offer this feature soon.
  • Can the tool suggest relevant content based on your past activity? Answer: Our tool let’s you easily integrate any web based solution that offers this function
  • Can the tool suggest relevant content based on your network of contacts? Answer: Our tool let’s you easily integrate any web based solution as part of your curated set of tools


  • Can you filter incoming content by keywords / hashtags / users?
  • By popularity / relevance?
  • By date?
  • By language?
  • By type of content?
  • By type of source?
  • By popularity (views, shares, etc.)?
    Answer: The strength of our solution is integrating any web based solution as part of your work flow.  So the answer is yes
Here we have combined two questions into one presentation as the two items are closely related and overlap.  The concept behind optimal access is context management, providing an environment where each user can customize access to information and web based tools their way.  Optimal Access solves the problem of organization and access to information rather uniquely, and this allows each user to configure access to their favorite content monitoring tools their way.  Let’s take a look