May 28, 2020

Story vs History and the curation tools to record them!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Not all curation tools are the same. Some are built to tell a story, and some are built to record history. In this post, I explore the difference between storytelling and recording history and explain how our topic curation tool is ideal for recording history. We will also discuss an innovative way to share history …

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August 17, 2017

Everything you need to know for a successful backlink strategy!

Backlinks are a strong indicator of popularity for search engines. In order to rank for the top 10 searches (SERP) on google, you need a well crafted backlink strategy. Depending on the keyword you want to rank for, you will need anywhere between 15 to over a hundred backlinks, per post. To get that many …

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October 19, 2016

Become a messaging machine

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , , ,

You can use your curated research as an engine for your content marketing strategy. If you curate 2 or 3 interesting articles a day, topics that deeply resonate with you and offer valuable insight, you can build an incredible curated library in no time!

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December 8, 2011

Establishing Thought Leadership through Curation

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

A thought leader is someone whose opinion is valued. Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success. So if you can demonstrate …

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