Establishing Thought Leadership through Curation

A thought leader is someone whose opinion is valued.

Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success.

So if you can demonstrate your expertise you can become a thought leader.


My Mentor

An example I use often, is my mentor and teacher of 20 years Roger Weir.

When I first met Roger in 1994, he lectured from his house in silver lake area in Los Angeles.

He had a personal library of over 45,000 books, which extended to every room and hallway in his house.  Today he has more than 90,000 books.

I once asked him if he had read all the books, he said he can index them all!

I always wished I could index every lecture to retrieve the teachings when I needed them.

The experience with Roger, is what inspired me to build KBucket.

Curated Libraries, ready to index!

KBucket pages are designed for anyone to curate the best of what they read, index them and share that with the world.

As a KBucketeer, someone who is sharing knowledge through KBucket pages, you have an extra responsibility to index the content properly, to make it easy for you and others to navigate and find the right information in context.

Our own curated page on our site, is a great example.

This page has been curated over a long period of time, and refined and optimized through continued usage and research.

If and when you make it easy for others to discover great content on topics of interest you share, you will become a thought leader in that field.

I get many request from people who discover my library and want to be included.

Start curating today.  Get Kurator for Chrome, or KBrowser for Firefox to get started.