August 26, 2020

Bot apps to Improve Project Management in your Business

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Conversational Natural language processing chatbots (NLP Chatbots) will solve important project management challenges by combining search and question-answering to deliver holistic enterprise knowledge management via bot apps. In this post, I discuss how curated knowledge portals and NLP chatbots will make it easy to build bot apps that save your team’s time and improve your …

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June 9, 2020

A Powerful Chatbot CMS Solution for Conversational Chatbots – AI chatbot

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

In this post, I like to introduce a powerful Chatbot Content Management System (Chatbot CMS) for managing chatbot’s content dynamically. The applications of our CMS solution for chatbots are particularly relevant to internal corporate communication and specific customer support projects where information flow is fluid.

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May 28, 2020

Story vs History and the curation tools to record them!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Not all curation tools are the same. Some are built to tell a story, and some are built to record history. In this post, I explore the difference between storytelling and recording history and explain how our topic curation tool is ideal for recording history. We will also discuss an innovative way to share history …

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September 30, 2019

Curation will help you build better chatbots, faster!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , ,

Chatbot conversations are divided into two major categories, linear dialogs, and non-linear dialogs. In this post, we discuss a powerful method for designing non-linear dialogs efficiently.

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September 5, 2019

Dialogflow chatbot answers enhanced with Curation

Did you get the memo that Bots are the future of Marketing? This quote by Riti Dass, data analyst at Mytra Jabong sums the opportunity as follows: “Modern chatbots are, at their simplest, digital assistants that deliver specific results via a conversational interface. At their most complex, they are artificial-intelligence-powered tools that will make highly-personalized …

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