Bot apps to Improve Project Management in your Business

Conversational Natural language processing chatbots (NLP Chatbots) will solve important project management challenges by combining search and question-answering to deliver holistic enterprise knowledge management via bot apps.

In this post, I discuss how curated knowledge portals and NLP chatbots will make it easy to build bot apps that save your team’s time and improve your productivity.

The Challenge of Project Management In Enterprise

All larger companies face a common challenge.

To work efficiently companies generally use multiple systems which include knowledge bases, venues for recording and retrieving information, various intranet and internet portals, and so on.

The challenge they have is that this distributed content structure makes findability and distribution of information more difficult.

In a case study published by Botcopy (we partner with Botcopy as our UI solution provider), Jim Lucas, Systems Specialist at Genentech describes his project management challenge as follows:

“Before getting a drug approved by the FDA, hospitals and clinics need to capture and record data while running clinical trials. To do this efficiently, clinical trial teams rely on different systems. We support ten to fifteen systems at Genentech.”

To solve this problem, Jim and his team have been using conversational chatbots (Google Dialogflow and Botcopy) as the solution to share information in a unified way.

“We wanted to marry all the different pieces together. Our company is large, so each department functions almost as a separate entity.”

As a result of using chatbots in their business, Jim and his team have been able to solve many of their project management challenges with great success.

“We’ve been able to move through what might have taken months or years in a quick amount of time.”

Studies show that inefficient knowledge management costs companies millions of dollars a year.

According to the Peg Mitchell senior director of R&D at Aventis Pharmaceuticals:

The inability to find critical content means it’s sometimes duplicated instead of reused. That can drain productivity, delay product rollouts, and hurt customer relationships. Worse yet is the idea that while companies have invested heavily in hardware and software for creating content, they’re benefiting from only a portion of it because they have no idea where much of the content is.” 

Years ago we developed a browser solution to manage the challenge of project management for businesses by making it easy for users to quickly create a custom index for their information.

This approach was extremely successful and delivered measurable KPI improvements. 

We are now using the same curation methodology paired with a natural language processing chatbot interface to create bot apps helping companies manage projects efficiently!

Let us see how it all works.

Adding Semantic Search Structure to Your Information

For chatbots to work efficiently in your business they need structured data.

semantic search factors

Our curation tools make it really easy to create a context for specific projects by categorizing, commenting, and linking that data into structured content libraries.

Users are able to collectively contribute to the curation and categorization of their content and continually modify and edit this information for optimal results.

The content is stored outside the chatbot, and this makes it easy for project managers to quickly modify, add or delete content from a chatbot CMS system.

Furthermore, the structured content with a summary, publisher, author, and date information allows for more nuanced queries that add valuable functionality to your chatbot.

The goal of all of this is to build a question-answering knowledge management tool for the enterprise, managed by the project members themselves.

For a detailed explanation of how our CMS for chatbots work see this post.

Bot apps for Project Management

NLP chatbots are an ideal user interface for solving the problem of search and question answering within organizations.

Conversational chatbots make it easy to understand how users are actively looking for information so they can match user requests with the appropriate response.

For example, let’s say that we have created a knowledge base for COVID-19 and categorized information accordingly.

Let’s now assume that the user is interested in the issue of re-infection.

A conversational chatbot can understand the different variations of user expression and detect user intent by training the bot with the appropriate learning phrases.

Let’s take a look at our reactivation intent to see how this works.

Dialogflow Learning Phrases

NLP chatbots can be trained to understand different expressions of the same question and lead users to the right answers.

Furthermore, project managers can easily monitor failed requests and quickly add content to provide answers to user questions.

In a two-year case study of 70 information workers, we found that optimizing both content and linking of data for a project is a two-month process. 

After the project taxonomy is in place the findability of information and transfer of knowledge is greatly enhanced.

Our curated content libraries (KBucket portals) acting as CMS for your bot apps, makes building and managing these chatbots really easy.

The other important advantage of a chatbot UI is its accessibility.

Our chatbot solution can be activated with voice and text and works equally well as a pop up on your webpage, a landing page, or through various messenger apps and your smartphones.

To ask questions or schedule a demo click here.