October 27, 2021

Accelerate Your Content Production with Content Curation

Curating content is a powerful way to build your brand and engage your audience. The Internet’s endless supply of content makes curation a great way to discover the best information for you and your readers/followers.

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February 25, 2020

How Today’s Digital Tools Can Fuel Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is very important to successful businesses. Without it, employees are invested in the success of the company–an important foundation in businesses of all sizes. A study from the Harvard Business Review found that 71% of executives say that employee engagement is critical to their success.

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September 22, 2017

Everything you need to manage too many tabs in Chrome!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , ,

Do you have a tab problem? You are not alone.  There is hardly anyone working with the Internet today, without a tab problem. Tab problem is part of the larger challenge of “information overload” for today’s information worker. Reasons are numerous, but simply put, you are swamped by interesting articles, insights and fun things on …

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August 15, 2017

Curate your Links to Improve your Productivity!

A recent study by Infodesk shows that poorly curated and hard to find content is costing you valuable time! Even the most conservative estimates suggest that the average information user spends a minimum of two hours per week looking for information. So, stop searching and start organizing. You will be a lot more productive if …

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October 20, 2016

A Study on the Benefits of Content Curation

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , , , ,

Curation works best when the curated topic is crowd-sourced. This statement is based on a 2 year case study of  a real world environment where a group of 70 users – who used our KBrowser solution to manage access to information

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June 13, 2016

Store, Save and Organize your tabs with KBrowser!

By Karan Bavandi Tags: , ,

Opening several tabs at once affects the stability of your browser. It slows down your system, or worse – hangs/freezes it, forcing you to open the Task Manager and start over.  Another issue is not being able to see the page titles easily and the inevitable clicking frenzy to find the page you want!

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