A Study on the Benefits of Content Curation

Curation works best when the curated topic is crowd-sourced.

This statement is based on a 2 year case study of  a real world environment where a group of 70 users – who used our KBrowser solution to manage access to information

A two year case study

In our case study, the curator was the project manager – and the crowd were the employees who used the information.

They used KBrowser to organize access to information spread across their Intranet and the Internet.

The Clients were locked, meaning that users couldn’t change the organization of the group and page tabs.

Each working group would relay their ideal organizational access to information back to the project manager.

The study found that it took roughly 2 months of usage and input from the co-workers to optimize the navigational access to information.

Once the KBrowser portal  was optimized the findability of information improved significantly.

The portals organized access to over 900 internal and external links.

Over 75% of the links were actively in use, and were mission critical.

According to the study new employee training went from 8 months to 3 months.

Reliance on IT professionals to add/delete content or create project specific portals went down to zero.

This study confirms our vision that users of information are the best candidates to architect access to information.

Context management systems that enable this facility solve a critical problem for organizations.

Today, you can accomplish the same functionality, by curating access to information using the KBucket platform,

KBrowser for the individual and KBucket for the enterprise.