A lesson in Editing and Organizing curated content with KBrowser

This is my 6th post in a series of posts examining our KBrowser features against Robin Good’s criteria for the ideal content curation tool.

Here, Robin has defined a set of features for presenting your curated content online.

I have combined editing, display formats, arrangement and navigation and ownership into one post.  Let’s take a look at the set of questions and our response.

I have re-arranged Robin’s criteria in the order I like to present my video demo.  I have also

Editing and Formatting

  • Does the tool allow to fully edit the content being curated?
    • Answer:Yes
  • Is it possible to edit/correct/revise title, image and content?
    • Answer: Yes
  • Is it possible to edit/correct/revise the original image?
    • Answer: Yes
  • Is it possible to edit the actual content?
    • Answer: No, not the content on the saved site
  • Is it possible to format it?
    • Answer: Yes
  • Which formatting controls are available?
    • Answer: Yes, we have a Built in text editor

Display Formats

  • Can you select between different display formats (list, grid, magazine, etc.)?
    • Answer: Yes
  • Can you personalize your display format?
    • Answer: Yes
  • To what extent?
    • Answer: You can change the original image, add tags, and comments
  • Are there different quality display templates to choose from?
    • Answer: Yes, in WordPress we integrate with any theme, on the KBucket site we will offer 3 formats (Text, Magazine and Card formats)


  • Can you re-arrange and juxtapose content items in your collection / stream in the way you want?
    • Answer: Yes, you can filter them by topic, author and publisher tag and sort the channel by Publisher, Date and Title
  • Is it possible to “feature” individual items?
    • Answer: Yes, you can share each item through your social channels driving traffic back to your site.


  • How easy is to navigate your curated collections / streams?
    • Answer: Very easy, our content is organized by channel and each channel comes with topic tags, publisher tags and author tags.  Users can also sort by date, title and publisher
  • Are there dedicated navigation features to facilitate moving through a long stream or a large collection?
    • Answer: Yes, tags and sorting as described above
  • Can you move rapidly from the start to the end of the collection, or to the middle of it? How long does it take?
    • Answer: Yes, the content is organized by pages and its easy to navigate between the pages.  Users can sort the content first before they navigate
  • Can you easily jump to different points of the collection?
    • Answer: Yes- Channels, Topic Tags, Author Tags, Publisher Tags
  • Can you easily jump from a full collection view to specific groups or individual items in it?
    • Answer: Yes – Topic Tags


  • Is the curated content yours and sitting on your servers or is it “owned” and controlled by someone else?
    • Answer: Both, we have a WordPress plugin solution and the KBucket platform, organized as a search site, where each user gets their own curated page
  • What rights do they claim on your curated work?
    • Answer: Our content is distributed under the fair use license. You can read about it here
  • Can you decide under what license your curated work is distributed?
    • Answer: Fair use license, curators right a brief summary of their findings and link back to the authors site