Build Covid-19 Content Library to keep employees and customers informed

Covid-19 has pushed us off balance. Most people are living in fear and uncertainty. An effective way to manage people’s anxiety is to provide them with the right information quickly and efficiently.

The internet doesn’t make it easy to find the right information, and in a time of crisis you want to make sure people get their information from trusted sources.

Questionable news sources offer misleading information about the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, and some are out there trying to profit from this crisis.

No one Organization is capable of providing expert advice on every aspect of the pandemic, but they can curate and provide guidance by linking to trusted sources that help people find the right information.

Some sites use lists of links and FAQ systems as a solution, but this approach loses its efficacy once the number of links grow, like this page on the California congressman, Ted Lieu’s website.

Over time his coronavirus pages has turned into an endless scroll.

We offer a more flexible system that allows you to store hundreds of links, categorize them by subject matter and add additional information that help users find answers to their specific questions quickly.

Moreover, you don’t need the help of IT to build these pages. Once created, people working with the information, can add new links and optimize existing links with ease.

To provide an example we have created a COVID-19 portal to demonstrate our value proposition.

In our example we have curated information from trusted medical professionals, as well as government entities and credible news sites.

For example, we have segmented a Q&A video session posted on Youtube with Dr. Tothill, the chief medical officer at IMG pointing people to specific question and answers instead of just linking to a 60 minute long video.

In this pandemic, medical information and guidance is only one part of the problem, as people are also facing economic challenges that need answers too.

Moreover all types of opportunist are trying to profit from this uncertainty through scams and simple miss information.

Using our content library solution, KBucket (Knowledge Buckets), you can quickly and easily curate and organize answers to emerging information and make them easily accessible.

KBucket lets you navigate hundreds of links in context and find your answers quickly. Provide answers to people’s concerns and help them discover new valuable sources to help them along.

Everyone’s needs are different, but there is one constant in a fluid information situation, managers need flexibility in managing knowledge and providing direct answers and KBucket is the ideal tool to manage this need.

Curating Your Information

Our Curation system lets authors add valuable information that makes navigating and consuming that information easier.

The best practices for authoring and managing a library are as follows:

  • Provide a well crafted summary to the post, so visitors can quickly scan and find the right information.
  • Make your images descriptive. The right image can immediately help users navigate the library when looking for information.
  • categorize your information with content tags carefully. It helps people discover new information.
  • Record the date of the publication. It helps people put that information in context

Our curation tools scrape images off the page you curate, but if you are linking to a PDF file, or a YouTube video, you need to add your own images.

KBucket posts are compact, and let users quickly evaluate the posts on the page to see if it answers their questions.


KBucket Posts

Following is a list of the items you can customize with our curation tool Kurator.

Feature Description
Image Choose an image that lets users ID the content quickly
Summary Add your own expert summary of the post, and help users learn quickly if this post is for them
Publisher If you are using third party content, let users ID the source
Author Make sure you put author info, both
Date Let users know when this post was published. This will help them with their decision making

Curate your research in your Browser with Kurator

Our curation tool is a chrome extension called Kurator.

Kurator makes it easy to not only curate your links, but quickly re-organize and edit them.

The extension enhances your bookmark manager and adds outlook type folder, where you can see comments stored for each link, move links between folders and easily manage your research.

You can also share folders with other users, as well as publish them to the web.

In this way multiple people can curate their expertise and have a group manager be responsible or organizing and publishing that information.

Kurator let’s you curate any type of link.

Link Type Description
Web Pages Kurator will scrape information off of the page and lets you modify it
YouTube Videos With videos you sometimes may want to point to a specific location in the video,
Online Documents Create links to PDF or any other online document
Social Media Post Save links to posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other channels


Click on the Image to Get Kurator

Publishing your Covid-19 information Library

You can publish and host your research using our WordPress plugin KBucket.

Even if you don’t have a WordPress website, you can install WordPress on a subdomain and easily integrate it with your main site.

Click on the image below to visit our Covid-19 information page.

To contact us, or set up a demo please go here.