How to Import/Export links and articles in optimal access

One of the best ways to evaluate the functionality of Optimal Access is to measure it against the 21 criteria Robin Good has listed for describing his ideal content curation tool. I’d like to add that over and above his one-to-one feature comparison, one needs to evaluate usability.  So by adding short and simple videos to our postings, it will demonstrate how our tool makes curation and web navigation so much easier.

Robin has been testing curation tools for a long time and has devised his list from his own experience as a curator. As a curator myself, I concur with his insight simply because all curators face similar challenges.  And I believe I have designed our tools to be the content curator for content curators!

Import and Export function

  • Can the tool import/export existing collections or streams? Answer: Yes we can import RSS feeds
  • Which import/export formats are supported (RSS, XML, CSV, PDF, etc.)  Answer: RSS and a proprietary format for sharing links plus navigation
  • Does the tool support OPML import/export? Answer: No but we are planning this.

Curators have a need to import and export either their own research (from other platforms) or that of others, into their system to save time.  Our tool is currently able to import RSS feeds and export RSS, Curation folders as portal files.

The following video demonstrates how we subscribe to an RSS feed, copy one or more links from that feed into our curation folders, and modify each link according to our needs.  We will also show you how to export and share our RSS folders, Curation folders, and links plus navigation with other Optimal Access programs.

Lets take a look (maximize the video to follow the details):