KBucket – A curation solution for Content Marketers

Content Marketers use content curation as a strategy to promote their own brand. This method is most effective when the curated content drives traffic back to your site first!

KBucket, where the letter “K” stands for knowledge, is a plugin for WordPress sites that let’s publishers curate, organize, and share third party content by driving traffic back to their site first.

KBucket pages add value through organization. Each KBucket page hosts hundreds of links organized by channels and filtered by tags. Our curated content on this site shares the best articles and tools on content curation, digital marketing, and online advertising topics here.

Publishers can create dynamic lists and directories that are easily enhanced and optimized. Imagine the traffic you can generate by building and maintaining the best directory of services and products related to your industry. Your KBucket list can replace static pages where lists are quickly outdated and navigating the pages is cumbersome.

To see the difference in managing a list on a static page vs. a KBucket page simply look at the list of marketing tools curated by curata with a similar list on KBucket here.

KBucket pages let smaller publishers take advantage of time-tested methods in digital marketing, namely creating intermediary landing pages that promote your brand to maximize engagement per visit. For example, the Ad-Exchange Masters group on LinkedIn uses email updates to notify subscribers of the latest emerging news for ad-tech professionals by sending you to an intermediary page before you click on to the main article. This is done in order to brand the curator and create an extra transaction for the publisher (in this case LinkedIn).

We think the value and engagement we offer through KBucket is superior to the intermediary page method  we shared above simply because KBucket landing pages offer an entire library of relevant links. This adds more valuable transactions to each unique visit, resulting in more ad revenue for the publisher. Our site has only a 3% bounce rate (which means visitors are looking at 2 or more pages per visit) and gets an average of four page views per unique visitor.

To see how each link can be shared individually, simply click on the “+” sign next to any link on KBucket and share it on your social channel of choice. Here is what you get.

If you have a WordPress site and want to try KBucket contact us by filling out the form at the end of this page.